Patch Notes - 1.4.90 - 13-DEC-2016

by Alexander Garden in [ Patch Notes ] on, Dec 10, 2016 3:00 AM UTC 319  comments

Upcoming Patch - December 13th @ 10AM – 1PM PDT
Patch Number: 1.4.90
Standalone Client Patch Size: ~785 MB
Steam Client Patch Size: ~930 MB
Please note that due to compression differences the Steam patch size may be larger than the standalone client patch size.

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Greetings MechWarriors,

The Marauder IIC has arrived, and is now en-route to the MechBays of eligible MechWarriors. This 85-ton Clan Assault 'Mech, a full 10-tons heavier than its Inner Sphere predecessor, is likely to be a devastating presence on the battlefields of the Inner Sphere.

Our next major update to Faction Play releases in this patch, with significant changes to Factional warfare mechanics, a refocusing of the Faction Play interface, the introduction of a new Tug Of War system for active battles, the replacement of Long Tom Artillery with a Radar Jammer Planetary Upgrade, the integration of Quick Play modes into Faction Play, new support for special Faction Play events, and more.
We've chosen to call this update Faction Play Phase 4.1, both to signal the start of a new development phase and to stress that this is only the first of future updates and improvements planned for Faction Play as we renew its focus in 2017.

Escort, an all-new asymmetric Game Mode for MechWarrior Online, arrives in this patch. Teams are split between Attackers and Defenders, each with their own victory condition. Defenders must ensure the AI-controlled Atlas 'Mech reaches the Extraction Zone in time for evacuation; the Attackers must do everything in their power to destroy that Atlas and prevent its escape. While the Attackers must also contend with destructible Defense Turrets, enemy Support Towers can be captured to aid the attack with additional ECM and/or Radar support.

The work required to implement reliable mobility for the AI-controlled Atlas 'Mech at the center of the new Escort Game Mode necessitated a re-evaluation of 'Mech collision code as a whole. As a result of this work, 'Mech-on-'Mech collisions will now operate much more smoothly, causing less 'rubber-banding' and warping. These improvements should have a great effect on the feel of close-quarters combat.

The 'grey-boxed' 1v1 Private Lobby map introduced in a previous patch this year has undergone a comprehensive art pass for this December patch. The result is Steiner Coliseum, a Solaris-themed Private Lobby map focused toward competitive 1v1 matches. We had a few 1v1 machines running at Mech_Con 2016 for attendees to check out Steiner Coliseum, and based on that response, we think you're going to like this one.

A number of Weapon and Equipment changes are releasing in this patch,  including Quirk adjustments for 14 'Mechs (12 IS, 2 Clan), Heat Capacity and Engine Dissipation improvements for both Clan and Inner Sphere Double Heat sinks, along with a few ballistic and missile weaponry tweaks, including improvements to the Damage and Spread of both Clan and Inner Sphere Machine Guns.

Rounding out the patch we have another release of Faction Decals, two seasonal Cockpit Items, and a new set of 'Mech Pattern Retrofits, including full Pattern Support for all Clan Wave 1 and Wave Invasion variant 'Mechs.
It should be highlighted that with the bulk of work in this patch dedicated toward Faction Play Phase 4.1 and the new Escort Game Mode, this patch does not feature the usual set of Map, 'Mech, and General fixes seen in all other patches this year.

Before we proceed to the Patch Notes, all of us here at Piranha Games would like to thank all of you for a stellar 2016, and for continuing to take to the battlefields of the Inner Sphere as a MechWarrior. We are extremely excited for the continued development of MechWarrior Online in 2017, and we hope you are as well. If you haven't done so already, go check out our December Roadmap...And Beyond post for a 2016 retrospective and a look ahead to what's coming in 2017.

Read on for all the details, and we'll see you on the battlefield in the new year!

- The MechWarrior Team

Our latest major update to Faction Play releases in this patch, with significant changes to Factional warfare mechanics, a refocusing of the Faction Play interface, the introduction of a new Tug Of War system for active battles, the replacement of Long Tom Artillery with a Radar Jammer Planetary Advantage, the integration of Quick Play Game Modes into Faction Play, new support for special Faction Play events, and more.
We've chosen to call this update Faction Play Phase 4.1, both to signal the start of a new development phase and to stress that this is only the first of future updates and improvements planned for Faction Play as we renew its focus in 2017.

A Unified Front

The core change seen in Faction Play Phase 4.1 is the introduction of a unified Clan vs Inner Sphere front. Faction Play is now distinguished by a perpetual Conflict pitting the entirety of Clan invasion forces against all Inner Sphere Factions.

In addition to the new Clan versus Inner Sphere Conflict, Faction Play also supports special Factional Conflicts. Modeled after the ComStar Intercept campaigns we previously ran for a time, these Factional Conflicts will be manually-designed events within the Inner Sphere. Additional improvements to Faction Play in 2017 will see these Factional Conflicts provided with greater complexity and lore details in future patches.

For now, look to the singular, all-encompassing Conflict that now besets the Inner Sphere. The Clan Invasion has begun anew.

These patch notes will outline the major changes you'll see to Faction Play in this patch, starting with the new Conflicts panel; your primary method for tracking the ongoing Conflicts being fought in the Inner Sphere.

Conflicts Panel

Conflicts tab

The new Conflicts tab shows all of the ongoing Conflicts within the Inner Sphere. There will always be at least one Conflict at any given time: that of the Clans versus the Inner Sphere. Each Clan vs Inner Sphere Conflict lasts for 8 hours, with a new Conflict (comprised of an entirely new set of contested Planets) automatically starting at the conclusion of each Conflict.
However, additional Faction Conflicts may be present from time to time, such as during a special event where House Kurita is attacking House Davion.

Each Conflict features a specific set of Planets up for contest. These Planets have been chosen as targets for the Conflict as a result of Loyalist voting. When the Conflict is over, all enemy-controlled Contested Planets within this Conflict will fall under the control of the winning side. If neither side has managed to maintain a Conflict victory condition at the end of the Conflict, no Planets are seized by either side and all borders remain unchanged.

When a specific Conflict is selected within the Conflicts tab you will be taken to the frontline of that Conflict on the Inner Sphere map.

In the screenshot below, the current Inner Sphere/Clan Conflict features eight Planets. Four are currently held by Inner Sphere Factions, shown in orange. Four are currently held by Clan Factions, shown in blue.
The specific Clan or House currently occupying each Planet is shown in the associated emblem, followed by the name of the Planet.

You can view the current Planet Value, along with Detailed Information and the ownership history that planet (if present) by clicking one of those Conflict Planets.

To fight in an eligible Conflict, click the associated Fight Now button. This will bring you to the Mission Details window for that Conflict, described in detail later in these notes.

Inner Sphere versus Clan Conflict

If you are a Freelancer the existing rules regarding battle participation still apply: Freelancers can only participate in an IS vs Clan battle by answering an Urgent Call To Arms.
If you are a Mercenary contracted with a specific House or Clan, you will automatically be assigned to the correct side of the Conflict according to your current Contract.
If you are a Loyalist you will automatically be assigned to the correct side of the Conflict according to your current allegiance.

Inner Sphere versus Clan Conflicts will typically always run for a duration of 8 hours, after which a new Conflict will begin.
Unlike Faction versus Faction Conflicts (outlined below), there will never be an Inner Sphere versus Clan Conflict for which you will be ineligible to participate.

Special Faction Conflicts
House vs House / Clan vs Clan / Specific House vs Specific Clan

Participation in a Faction Conflict is dependent upon your current Loyalty or Contract status.
If you are not eligible for fighting in a specific Conflict due to your Loyalty or Contract status the Fight Now button for a Faction Conflict will not be available to you. For example, if there is a Steiner versus Marik Conflict currently underway, you will be unable to participate if you are a Liao Loyalist. However, Freelancers can fight for whichever side they choose if they answer an Urgent Call to Arms.

If you are a Freelancer the existing rules regarding battle participation still apply: Freelancers can only participate in a Faction Conflict by answering an Urgent Call To Arms.
If you are a Mercenary contracted with a House or Clan engaged in that Conflict, you will automatically be assigned to the correct side according to your current Contract.
If you are a Loyalist for a House or Clan engaged in that Conflict, you will automatically be assigned to the correct side according to your current allegiance.

Unlike Inner Sphere versus Clan Conflicts, Faction versus Faction Conflicts can be set to run for any duration. For example, rather than a series of distinct Conflicts each running 8 hours, there could be a single Faction Conflict running for a full 24 hours (or more).

War Log tab

The new War Log tab provides a complete history of all changes in the Tug Of War progress for your selected Conflict. From here you can track all of the Tug of War changes throughout the course of this Conflict, such as which side won a match and when, and by what percentage that win altered the Tug of War. By default, all matches will affect the Tug of War by 3.33%.


Voting tab

Rather than voting to decide which Faction is next targeted for attack, Loyalists will instead vote to determine which four Planets will be targeted in the next Conflict phase.
The Inner Sphere now votes as one single entity, and the four top-voted Planets from that voting period are selected.
Each of the four Clans vote as distinct entities however, and the four top-voted Planets from each Clan are added to the final selection of four Planets.
When a Voting Period is active, an entry will appear inside the Conflicts tab. Instead of Fight Now it will say Vote.

Clan Voting Rules
• Unlike the Inner Sphere, each Clan votes from a distinct pool of Planets available to that Clan. Jade Falcon votes for a selection of Planets only available to Jade Falcon, for example.
• Clans can only vote to attack Planets bordering their specific Clan territory. For example, Clan Jade Falcon can't vote to attack a Planet on the Smoke Jaguar/Kurita border.
• The highest-voted Planet for each of the four Clans will be chosen as the final Planet for that Clan.
• After each Clan has decided on their chosen Planet, those four Planets will be targeted in the next Clan versus Inner Sphere Conflict.

Inner Sphere Voting Rules
• Inner Sphere players can vote to attack any Planet on any Clan/IS border. For example, a House Steiner Loyalist can vote to attack a planet on the Smoke Jaguar/Kurita border.
• The top four Planets collectively voted for by the Inner Sphere will be chosen as the targeted Planets during the next Clan versus Inner Sphere Conflict.

Mission Details

Once you've selected to Fight Now in an active Conflict through the Conflicts Panel, the Mission Details window for that Conflict will appear. The Mission Details window covers everything you need to know about that Conflict, with Invasion and Scouting progress now visible in a single window.

Tug of War

Progress toward victory or defeat throughout an active Conflict is now tracked through the new Tug of War system.
When the Conflict begins, both sides start with an equal share of the Tug of War slider. With every victory your side will progress further along the Tug of War slider.

In the screenshot below the current Inner Sphere versus Clan Conflict has just begun. At this stage no battles have yet been fought, and both sides claim an equal portion in the Tug of War.

Invasion Tug of War

The progress of an ongoing Invasion Conflict is dynamically tracked through the Invasion Tug of War tracker. This tracker is broken up into distinct segments - called Invasion Stages - with each stage representing different phases in the Invasion 'story'.

As a Conflict proceeds, players will take to the battlefield in specific Game Modes according to the current Invasion Stage. The current Game Mode is shown underneath the Invasion Tug of War tracker. In the screenshot above, the current Game Mode is Skirmish.

Note that the Game Mode being dropped into may change during the time between initiating a match search and the final drop time. The Tug of War tracker is fully dynamic, updating immediately to reflect the results of matches as they are decided. You may enter a new Invasion Stage while queuing up.

- Invasion Stage 1 -
Game Mode: Skirmish
Advance Invader DropShips have managed to break through the orbital defense perimeters. Defender DropShips have been scrambled to meet them in frantic frontline battles.

- Invasion Stage 2 -
Game Mode: Domination
With the initial frontline skirmishes complete, both sides now turn their attention toward claiming control over vital field communication arrays.
Faction Play Domination win requirement is 1m30s (QP version is still 1m). 

- Invasion Stage 3 -
Game Mode: Conquest
With relays now secured for off-world communications, both sides must fight to control critical resource extraction sites to ensure their forces are well-supplied.
Faction Play Conquest win requirement is 1250 tickets (QP version is still 750).

- Invasion Stage 4 -
Game Mode: Assault
With one side now firmly established and well-supplied, strike teams are sent to capture field bases on the outskirts of key tactical locations.

- Invasion Stage 5 -
Game Mode: Invasion
With the bulk of enemy field presence on the planet either destroyed or disabled, the battle now turns to the orbital defense bases. One way or the other, the conclusion of this conflict is close at hand.

All of the above Game Modes utilize Faction Play DropDecks and DropShip respawns. This only applies to Faction Play! Quick Play still utilizes the single spawn system.

Invasion Capture Thresholds

As seen and described in the above screenshot, both sides have a Capture Threshold. If the opposing side manages to gain sufficient ground in the Tug of War to reach that Capture Threshold - denoted by the white arrow - and they're able to maintain that lead by the end of the Conflict, all Planets under contest during the Conflict will be captured by the winning side.
When Planets are captured, Unit Tags are assigned according to the system outlined later in these patch notes. 
Scouting Tug of War

The Scouting Tug of War is much the same as the Intel tracker seen in the previous version of Faction Play. The Scouting Tug of War tracks the progress for either side as they attempt to acquire the various Planetary Advantages through successful Scouting Missions. Unlike Invasion, Scouting does not include any Quick Play Game Modes; it remains a pure Scouting Game Mode system.

Each successful Scouting mission will contribute to your progress in the Scouting Tug of War, unlocking Planetary Advantages for use by your Invasion forces. The increments for Planetary Advantage unlocks are denoted by the white arrows.

As with the previous Scouting and Intel system, Scouting Mission match results will have an immediate impact on active Invasion Mission matches (Skirmish, Assault, Domination, Conquest, and Invasion). While your Team may start an Invasion match with a Planetary Advantage at your disposal, your Team may lose access to the Advantage if enemy Scouting forces are mounting successful Scouting Missions while your Invasion match is underway.
New Planetary Advantage: Radar Jammer (replaces Long Tom Artillery)

Quartermasters throughout the Inner Sphere are no longer able to source the components needed to maintain Long Tom Artillery equipment. While the existing Combat Identification and Satellite Sweep Planetary Advantages remain in their original form, we have replaced the Long Tom Artillery Planetary Advantage with the new Radar Jammer Advantage.

Radar Jammer Duration: 5 seconds
Radar Jammer Cycle: Every 2 minutes

While the Radar Jammer is active, enemy forces will temporarily lose the following abilities:
• Standard targeting (R)
• TAG Laser lock
• NARC Beacon effect
• 'Enemy Spotted' Command Wheel highlight

When the Radar Jammer has expired, any targeting statuses that were initiated prior to the Jam (if applicable) will be restored. For example, a NARC Beacon that is still in-effect will be reactivated without requiring a second NARC Beacon hit.

Faction Play Lobby Changes

When initiating an Invasion or Scouting match you are now first placed into a Searching process, much the same as the existing Searching process seen with Quick Play. Faction Play Lobbies are no longer created until there are a sufficient number of players to fill that Team.
Once 12 players are found, the standard Faction Play Lobby is then created.
This change was made for Phase 4.1 to temporarily address an issue present with the previous Lobby system, wherein that system wasn't clear enough regarding the status of the Lobby being built. This led to players dropping from the Lobby, under the impression that the Lobby system was either not working, or was not populating as expected.

With the consolidation of Clan vs Inner Sphere battles into a single Conflict, we expect Faction Play queue times to drastically improve. The wait times should now be much closer to the times seen in Quick Play, and won't require you to stare at the Searching screen for too long.
That said, we'll be looking at streamlining the Searching process further in a future update.

Unit Tags

With the introduction of the new Conflict system, and the removal of per-planet fighting, the system for assigning Unit Tags to claimed Planets required adjustments. Units still occupy Planets with their Tags and generate Planetary Income, but the method by which those Tags are assigned has changed.
From the victorious side in a Conflict, the top four participating Units are determined.

Determining the Top Four Units in a Conflict

• Whenever a member of a Unit participates in a victory during a Conflict they earn one victory 'token' for their Unit.
• At the conclusion of a Conflict all tokens achieved by the members of a Unit are tallied
• That final tally is assigned to the Unit as a whole.
• Planet Occupation rights are then assigned to the top four Units with the most tokens gained during that Conflict.

Assigning Planet Occupation Rights

With the top four Units now determined through the above method, the system now proceeds to determine which of the four newly seized Planets are assigned which Unit Tag.

• Beginning with the Unit with the highest number of victories during the Conflict, the system determines which Planet received the majority of votes from the members of that Unit during the previous vote phase.
• The Unit is assigned Planet Occupation rights over whichever newly-seized Planet received the most votes from the members of that Unit.
• This process is repeated for the second, third, and fourth Units.
• If none of the members in a Unit voted for a newly-seized Planet, a random Planet out of the remaining list is chosen and assigned to the Unit.
• Units with active Planet Tags receive MC Rewards from their Occupation under the same Planet Value system introduced in Phase 3. While that Planet Value system has undergone no changes in this patch, it has been outlined below in full detail.

Planet Value

Each Planet with a Unit Tag attached to it generates 15 MC per 8 hour Conflict Phase for the Unit that controls it, up to a total Unit income maximum of 90 MC per Conflict Phase (in the event a Unit holds multiple Planets).

• This MC is added to the Unit Coffers.
• The total amount of MC that can be earned by a Unit from Planet Value Rewards is currently capped at 90 MC per Conflict Phase, for a maximum total of 270 MC per day.
• All Planets under control of a Unit are depleted of 15 MC per-Conflict Phase, but the Unit will only receive the capped maximum of 90 MC per Conflict Phase! The excess MC is not injected into the Unit Coffers, and is considered lost.
The Planets themselves have a limit to the amount of MC they can provide during the period under which they are being contested.
• Normal Planets can only provide a maximum of 540 MC to a single occupying Unit.
• Regional Capital Planets will have a higher maximum. These Planets will typically max out at 1080 MC.
• Unit Tags are automatically removed once the maximum available MC from a Planet has been consumed.

Whenever a Unit loses control of a Planet, the MC available from a Planet will reset. This includes the exchange of Unit Tags between Defenders.

Whenever a Unit takes a new Contract with or pledges Loyalty to another Faction, they are no longer considered occupiers of any Planets they had occupied under their previous Faction banner. Their Unit Tags are removed from any such Planets, and they no longer receive MC from those Planets.

Inner Sphere and Clan Chat Channels

Inner Sphere and Clan chat channels have been added to the Faction Play chat window. These channels will become available to you according to your current allegiance or contract status as a Loyalist or Mercenary. Freelancers do not have access to either channel.

Through these new channels players will be able to easily communicate with all other players allied or contracted with the same side.

Loyalist Career Selection

The Loyalist Career path is essentially the same as before; players still swear Loyalty to a specific House or Clan, but forging an allegiance to a specific Faction is now also tied to which side of the Conflict they are fighting on.
Currently the only practical change as a result of this comes down to adjustments in the Voting systems, already outlined in detail earlier in these notes. For example, a Kuritan Loyalist no longer votes specifically on behalf of Kurita. They are instead voting on behalf of the Inner Sphere as a whole.

Drop Deck Management Changes

You can now set your Default Invasion or Scouting Drop Deck by checking the associated box.

New Default Clan Planet Assignments

The default ownership statuses for the Clans have been adjusted to account for the unified front. The new default planet assignments are:

Clan Ghost Bear

Clan Jade Falcon

Clan Smoke Jaguar

Clan Wolf

• Rodrigo
• St. John
• Alleghe
• Bruben
• New Oslo
• Hermagor
• New Bergen
• Svelvik
• Outpost
• Balsta
• Leoben
• Last Frontier
• Skallevoll
• Susquehanna

• Kolovraty
• Newtown Square
• Mogyorco
• Kikuyu
• Barcelona
• Roadside
• Black Earth
• Hot Springs
• Bone-Norman
• Somerset
• Blackjack
• Malibu
• Beta VII
• Golandrinas

• Constance
• Jarett
• Polcenigo
• Nykvarn
• Garstedt
• Schuyler
• Luzerne
• Savinsville
• Albiero
• Turtle Bay
• Almunge
• Brocchi's Cluster
• Hanover
• Coudoux
• Virentofta
• Stapelfeld
• Bjarred

• Wotan
• Derf
• Butler
• Apollo
• Bensinger
• Toland
• Steelton
• Persistence
• Trell 1
• Twycross
• Maxie's Planet
• Romukus
• Cheateau
• Seiduts
• Csesztreg
• Harvest
• Planting
• Verthandi
• Mozirje
• Kirchbach
• The Edge
• Lovinac
• Liezen
• Chateau


Group Changes

Changes and improvements to the Group system have been introduced in this patch.

Groups are no longer created specifically for either Quick Play or Faction Play. Going from one to the other is now as simple as changing the Group Type in the Group window. From within the Group Type window the Group Leader can select either Quick Play as the assigned Mode, or from any of the ongoing Faction Play Conflicts (Invasion or Scouting).

If a member of the Group is incompatible with the chosen Mode they will be visually marked as such. The flow for launching a Group match has also seen a number of improvements to help provide players with more information about the nature of any launch errors.

Escort is a brand new, asymmetric Game Mode for Quick Play. Teams are assigned the role of either the Attacker or the Defender, with separate objectives and win conditions for each side.

The Defenders must ensure that the AI-controlled, ECM-equipped Atlas VIP reaches its destination at the Extraction Zone in time for extraction.
The Attackers must do whatever they can to stop the Defenders from achieving this goal.

Attacker Mission
• Destroy the enemy Atlas VIP

Defender Mission
• Protect your Atlas VIP

Conditions for an 'Auto-Win'

In the event that all Attackers have been destroyed, and the Atlas VIP 'Mech is still intact, the system will determine whether the Defenders are eligible for an 'auto-win'. It is still possible at this point that the Attackers were able to damage the Atlas to such a point that it will not be capable of reaching the Extraction Zone, at its maximum rate speed, in time for extraction.

In the event that all Attackers have been destroyed, eligibility for an auto-win condition is according to:

• the current position of the Atlas VIP 'Mech
• its current maximum speed (according to its damage state)
• the estimated travel time between its current position and the Extraction Zone

If the Atlas is calculated as reaching the Extraction Zone before the timer expires the Defenders will achieve an auto-win.
If the Atlas is calculated as not reaching the Extraction Zone before the timer expires the Attackers will achieve an auto-win.
Support Towers

Each map contains an array of capturable Support Towers. At the start of an Escort match all of these Support Towers are under control of the Defending team.
To capture a Support Tower a 'Mech must stand within its capture radius (30m by default).

When captured, a Support Tower will perform both of the following Support functions for your team:

• ECM (200m radius around the Tower by default)
• Radar (200m radius around the Tower by default)

Capture Duration
• 5 seconds if capturing a neutral Tower
• 10 seconds if capturing an enemy Tower

If one or more enemy 'Mech is also within the Capture Radius, the capture progress will cease.
Capture Duration is not affected by the number of friendly 'Mechs in the Capture Radius.
Shooting an enemy 'Mech while it is capturing a Support Tower does not halt their capture progress. 

Capturing a Support Tower yields a personal reward of 1000 C-Bills and 50 XP to whomever entered its Capture Radius first (and is still in radius when it is captured).
Defense Turrets

Each map contains an array of Defense Turrets, up to a maximum of 9 per-map. These Turrets will aid the Defenders by attacking enemy forces within their radius.

Current Defense Turret stats:
• All Defense Turrets are equipped with Medium Lasers
• All Defense Turrets have 15 HP

Destroying a Turret with a Killing Blow yields a personal reward of 1000 C-Bills and 50 XP.

Marauder IIC (Assault)

Derived from the exceptional and iconic Marauder chassis, this 85-ton Clan Assault 'Mech, a full 10-tons heavier than its Inner Sphere predecessor, is likely to be a devastating presence on the battlefields of the Inner Sphere.

The only MAD-IIC variant with any Quirks applied is the MAD-IIC-8, which possesses a solitary Missile Cooldown Quirk of 15%. In light of its 7 Energy Hardpoints, that single Missile Hardpoint in the RT is unlikely to see much significant use. However, we wanted to provide this variant with a slight boost to its Missile Cooldown for those players who want to utilize that Missile Hardpoint in their MAD-IIC-8 Loadouts.

Release Date for MC: March 7th 2017
Release Date for C-Bills: April 4th 2017

Marauder IIC Module Slots (all variants)
• 'Mech Module Slot(s): 1
• Weapon Module Slot(s): 2
• Consumable Slot(s): 2
• 'Mech/Weapon Slot(s): 1 (only available after unlocking that variant's Mastery Skill tier)

Marauder IIC Variants

The MAD-IIC [S] is a Special version of the MAD-IIC, featuring a unique Pattern and a 30% boost to C-Bill earnings. The MAD-IIC [S] is only available through the Collector Marauder IIC Pack, and will not be made available for purchase in-game.

The MAD-IIC is the standard version of the MAD-IIC [S]. It does not possess the 30% C-Bill boost or the unique Pattern of its [S] counterpart. Until its release date for in-game purchase the standard MAD-IIC is only available through the Standard Marauder IIC Pack.

Until its release date for in-game purchase the MAD-IIC-A is only available through the Standard or Collector Marauder IIC Pack.

Until its release date for in-game purchase the MAD-IIC-B is only available through the Standard or Collector Marauder IIC Pack.

MAD-IIC-C (Reinforcements Add-On)
Until its release date for in-game purchase the MAD-IIC-C is only available as a Reinforcement Add-On to an existing Standard or Collector Marauder IIC Pack.

MAD-IIC-D (Reinforcements Add-On)
Until its release date for in-game purchase the MAD-IIC-D is only available as a Reinforcement Add-On to an existing Standard or Collector Marauder IIC Pack.

MAD-IIC-SC "Scorch" (Hero Add-On)
The MAD-IIC-S is the Hero variant of the Marauder IIC, featuring a unique Hero Pattern and a 30% boost to C-Bill earnings. Until its release date for in-game purchase the MAD-IIC-S is only available as a Hero Add-On to an existing Standard or Collector Marauder IIC Pack.

MAD-IIC-8 (Early Adopter Variant)
The MAD-IIC-8 is a unique variant of the Marauder IIC, currently only available for Early Adopters of a Marauder IIC package. The MAD-IIC-8 will become available for purchase in-game on the same dates as the other variants.

Steiner Coliseum
1v1 Private Match Map

Built from an obsolete blue granite quarry on Solaris VII for competitive and demonstrative purposes, the Steiner Coliseum is our first Solaris-themed, Private Lobby 1v1 Map.
MechWarriors will enter the Coliseum from underground, taking to the battlefield in intense one-on-one matches surrounded by the fan-fare of a Solaris Coliseum.

Along with their complementary delivery to eligible Marauder IIC owners, the following Cockpit Items are also now available for purchase in-game:

Vibroblade (Marauder IIC Standing Cockpit Item): 500 MC

Marauder's Flail (Marauder IIC Hanging Cockpit Item): 500 MC

Ram's Horn Warhorn (Marauder IIC Warhorn): 750 MC

Marauder Medallion (Marauder IIC Early Adopter Hanging Item): 750 MC

This patch also includes two new holiday-themed Cockpit Items:

Holiday Centerpiece (Standing Cockpit Item): 250 MC

Krampus (Hanging Cockpit item): 250 MC

Marauder IIC Standard Pack (and Collector Pack)

"The Blazing"

Marauder IIC Collector Pack

"The Icon"

These Titles and Badges are only available through their associated Marauder IIC Pack. The Collector Pack comes with both.

17 new Decals have been added in this patch, all of which are Faction Decals within the Special (500 MC) tier.

• 32nd Recon Combat Group
• Amphigean Light Assault
• Black Widow Company
• Clan Star Adder
• Eridani Light Horse - 151st Light Horse
• Eridani Light Horse - 21st Striker
• Eridani Light Horse - 71st Light Horse
• Gunzburg Eagles
• Head Hunters
• Hsien Hotheads
• Markson's Marauders
• Marshigama's Legionnaires
• McCarron's Armored Cavalry
• Redfield's Renegades
• Sathen's Snipers
• Screaming Eagles
• Vinson's Vigilantes

Decal Fixes

• Fixed the issue from November patch where the Symbol, Signage, and Word Decals could appear jagged or pixelated when viewed from a distance.
• The resolution of all alphanumeric Decals has been increased from 128x128 to 256x256.  
• Fixed  scaling and/or alignment issues with a number of alphanumeric Decals.
These scaling changes might have a minimal impact on any existing placements for these Decals, and the alignment changes may offset your already-placed Decals (particularly if placed near other Decals). If you notice any minor alignment changes for your already-placed Decals, you'll need to edit their placements to restore their intended position.

Known Issues

• Some issues remain with the rendering of Decals in the MechLab that can make them appear as if they have different scaling. From one angle a letter can appear to be taller or shorter than a closely placed sibling from certain angles due to the way Decal edges are handled by anti-aliasing, when the two Decals are in fact of an identical scale.
• Adjusting Decal scale with the mouse-wheel can introduce minor deviations in scaling 'steps'. If you notice a Decal is oddly scaled compared to another, and the 'steps' from your scaling adjustment should make them the same scale, you will need to re-apply the Decal once, or a few times, to ensure the scaling 'steps' are the same. We hope to address this issue in an early-2017 patch.

'Mech Collision Improvements

The work required to implement reliable mobility for the AI-controlled Atlas 'Mech at the center of the new Escort Game Mode necessitated a re-evaluation of 'Mech collision code as a whole. As a result of this work, 'Mech-on-'Mech collisions will now operate much more smoothly, causing less 'rubber-banding' and warping. These improvements should have a great effect on the feel of close-quarters combat.

Domination Game Mode Changes

Alpine Peaks: Improved placement of the Domination Beacon.
Crimson Strait: Improved placement of the Domination Beacon.
Heat Sinks

Single Heat Sinks
• External Heat Sink Dissipation Rate remains at 0.12
• Engine Heat Sink Dissipation Rate increased to 0.12 (from 0.11)
• Heat Capacity remains at 1.2

Double Heat Sinks (Inner Sphere)
• External Heat Sink Dissipation Rate increased to 0.15 (from 0.14)
• Engine Heat Sink Dissipation Rate remains at .2
• Heat Capacity increased to 1.5 (from 1.1)

Double Heat Sinks (Clan)
• External Heat Sink Dissipation Rate remains at 0.15
• Engine Heat Sink Dissipation Rate remains at .2
• Heat Capacity increased to 1.5 (from 1.1)
• Component Health reduced to 6.6 (from 10)

Heat Sink Design Notes: We are unifying the Double Heat Sink behavior of Clan and Inner Sphere tech to provide a bit more consistency in performance between the two. As an alternative balance measure we are reducing the Component Health of the Clan Double Heat Sinks to account for their more compact size. This change in Component Health equalizes the total Component Health for Crit spaces used across the tech levels for Double Heat Sinks


Clan AC/5
• Cooldown reduced to 1.66 (from 1.8)

Clan AC/10
• Cooldown reduced to 2.5 (from 2.9)

Clan AC/20
• Cooldown reduced to 4 (from 4.7)

Gauss Rifle
• Max Range reduced to 1320 (from 1980)
• Component Health increased to 10 (from 5) 

Clan Gauss Rifle
• Max Range reduced to 1320 (from 1980)
• Explosion Chance increased to 100% (from 90%)

Gauss Design Notes: We're removing the 3x Maximum Range on Gauss to keep them consistent with the other direct-fire pinpoint weapons available. In addition to this we're rolling over some of the changes from the Energy Draw PTS to further differentiate the larger, heavier Inner Sphere Gauss Rifles from their Clan counterpart, without affecting their offensive characteristics.

Machine Gun
• Damage increased to .95 (from .8)
• Spread decreased by 60% 

Clan Machine Gun
• Damage increased to .95 (from .8)
• Spread decreased by 60%
• Component Health decreased to 5 (from 10) 

Machine Gun Design Notes: Machine Guns have been closely monitored for awhile now. We've found that in Group and coordinated play they can be very effective on a handful of variants, provided the right Quirks are in place and coordination is optimal. They've also had a decent presence in the MWOWC.

That said, we did not like that the primary viability of Machine Guns revolves mostly around the availability of Rate of Fire Quirks on many 'Mechs. We've decided to simply roll these Quirks into the baseline property of the Machine Guns by providing them with a flat 20% boost in Damage, along with toning down or removing the Rate of Fire Quirks for a handful of 'Mechs.

We've also examined the spread effect of the weapon at-range, and we've significantly tightened the spread of the weapon. The goal here is that within its Optimal Range, you should be able to better focus a larger portion of your damage onto a single Component, and generally make it easier to engage at range with the weapon.

As the Clan Machine Gun is half the tonnage for the same offensive profile, we are reducing the Component Health of the Clan Machine Gun to make the weapon more vulnerable to Critical Hits.

In the image below you can see a rough before-and-after comparison of the effect the above changes can have on Machine Gun spread and damage capabilities.


SRMs (Clan and IS)
• Heat Penalty increased to 1.75 (from 1)

Streak SRM2s (Clan and IS)
• Heat Penalty increased to 1.75 (from 1)

Clan Streak SRM4 and Streak SRM6 
• Heat Penalty increased to 1.85 (from 1.1)

SRM/Streak Design Notes: The intention of Heat Scale penalties is to provide a conscious give-and-take choice between heavy and immediate amounts of stacked damage at the cost of extra Heat, or splitting fire to optimize overall Heat output over an extended duration.
When it came to SRMs and Streaks, the lax penalty in place for the launchers did not provide an adequate amount of give-and-take as intended, and even higher launcher counts of 6-8 provided very minimal penalties.

Targeting Computer

Targeting Computer Mk. V
• Projectile Speed boost decreased to 25% (from 30%)

Targeting Computer Design Notes: The previous 30% Projectile Speed boost was an input error; Projectile Speed boost rates should increment by 5% for each TC level.

Inner Sphere

• LCT 1V/LCT-1V [P]
• LCT-3V

Locust Design Notes: As mentioned in the Machine Gun Design Notes above, we are ramping down the Machine Gun Rate of Fire Quirks on various 'Mechs, and rolling over those properties into the baseline stats of the weapon. No other Quirk changes have been made to these variants.

• COM-1B
• COM-1D/COM-1D [C]
• COM-2D
• COM-3A

Commando Design Notes: We are providing modest boosts to the agility of the Commando to help reinforce its striker role, along with a small boost to Arm durability for the Death's Knell.

• SDR-5K/SDR-5K [C]

Spider Design Notes: As mentioned in the Machine Gun Design Notes, we are ramping down the Machine Gun Rate of Fire Quirks on various 'Mechs, and rolling over those properties into the baseline stats of the weapon. No other Quirk changes have been made to these variants.

• UM-R60
• UM-R60L
• UM-R63/UM-R63 [S] 

UrbanMech Design Notes: Starting with this patch, we are shifting a number of Structure Quirks over the Armor to promote more pronounced 'tank' behavior for various 'Mechs that are currently under-performing. We will be monitoring these changes and will be looking to provide other 'Mechs with similar changes along this line in the future.

• JR7-D/JR7-D [F]/JR7-D [S]
• JR7-F/JR7-F [C] 
• JR7-K 

Jenner Design Notes: The Jenner has some CT hitbox irregularities that have been logged for cleanup. For now, we are providing the same Structure benefit seen on the Oxide into the main CT of the Jenner.

• PNT-10K/PNT-10K [R]
• PNT-10P
• PNT-8Z
• PNT-9R

Panther Design Notes: Starting with this patch, we are shifting a number of Structure Quirks over the Armor to promote more pronounced 'tank' behavior for various 'Mechs that are currently under-performing. We will be monitoring these changes and will be looking to provide other 'Mechs with similar changes along this line in the future.

• WLF-1
• WLF-1A
• WLF-1B
• WLF-2/WLF-2R

Wolfhound Design Notes: Starting with this patch, we are shifting a number of Structure Quirks over the Armor to promote more pronounced 'tank' behavior for various 'Mechs that are currently under-performing. We will be monitoring these changes and will be looking to provide other 'Mechs with similar changes along this line in the future.

• BJ-A

Blackjack Design Notes: As mentioned in the Machine Gun Design Notes, we are ramping down the Machine Gun Rate of Fire Quirks on various 'Mechs, and rolling over those properties into the baseline stats of the weapon. No other Quirk changes have been made to these variants.

• VND-1R
• VND-1X 

Vindicator Design Notes: Starting with this patch, we are shifting a number of Structure Quirks over the Armor to promote more pronounced 'tank' behavior for various 'Mechs that are currently under-performing. We will be monitoring these changes and will be looking to provide other 'Mechs with similar changes along this line in the future.

Phoenix Hawk
• PXH-1
• PXH-1B
• PXH-3S

Phoenix Hawk Design Notes: As mentioned in the Machine Gun Design Notes, we are ramping down the Machine Gun Rate of Fire Quirks on various 'Mechs, and rolling over those properties into the baseline stats of the weapon. No other Quirk changes have been made to these variants.

• TBT-3C
• TBT-5J 
• TBT-5N
• TBT-7K
• TBT-7M/TBT-7M [C] 

Trebuchet Design Notes: Traditionally, the Trebuchet has occupied a mid-range Support role. We want to try to reinforce this role for the 'Mech, and to that end we've opened up the 'Mechs torso-twisting arc and widened its arm range to assist with keeping itself within its effective sweet spot. We've also strengthened the Arm Armor for a few of the variants that contain the majority of weapons in those arms, and have selectively buffed a few offensive Quirks.

• VTR-8B
• VTR-9K
• VTR-9S/VTR-9S [C] 

Victor Design Notes: Starting with this patch, we are shifting a number of Structure Quirks over the Armor to promote more pronounced 'tank' behavior for various 'Mechs that are currently under-performing. We will be monitoring these changes and will be looking to provide other 'Mechs with similar changes along this line in the future.


Mist Lynx

Mist Lynx Design Notes: With a heavy focus on Light 'Mechs in this patch, we wanted to provide a full Quirk pass on the Mist Lynx. This includes general Quirk tuning and cleanup, along with the addition of Set of 8 Quirks for all MLX variants, similar to the Set of 8 pass seen last month.

• NVA-S 

Nova Design Notes: As mentioned in the Machine Gun Design Notes, we are ramping down the Machine Gun Rate of Fire Quirks on various 'Mechs, and rolling over those properties into the baseline stats of the weapon. No other Quirk changes have been made to these variants.

Battlemaster (all variants): Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Patterns and Standard Patterns.
Griffin (all variants): Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Patterns and Standard Patterns.
Thunderbolt (all variants): Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Patterns and Standard Patterns.
Vindicator (all variants): Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Patterns and Standard Patterns.
Wolverine (all variants): Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Patterns and Standard Patterns.

The Resistance variant 'Mechs below can now also equip all eligible Patterns. The standard variants of these 'Mechs already had full Pattern support from a prior patch.

Enforcer ENF-5D [R]: Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Patterns and Standard Patterns.
Grasshopper GHR-5J [R]: Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Patterns and Standard Patterns.
Panther PNT-10K [R]: Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Patterns and Standard Patterns.
Zeus ZEU-6S [R]: Can now equip all Inner Sphere Faction Patterns and Standard Patterns.

Additionally, all Clan Wave 1 and Wave 2 Prime Invasion variants now have full Pattern Support.

Patch Files (Direct Download)

To make the patching process easier for players with limited download caps, we'll be providing direct download links for the patch file(s) that comprise this patch. This will allow you to download the patch file(s) elsewhere, for manual injection into the MWO patcher through a Patch Cache folder.
Aside from allowing you to download the patch file(s) elsewhere, on another connection, there are no additional benefits to performing the patch this way; the patching process itself will be the same.

This direct patch download process will only work for players running the standalone client. It does not apply to players running MWO through Steam.

How to use these patch files

• Download the above file(s)
• For sake of ease we recommend creating a dedicated folder for the patch file(s), such as 'MWO Patch Cache'
• You do not need to unzip or unpack the patch file(s)
• Launch the standard MWO launcher
• Click the gear icon in the top right of the launcher window
• Choose the 'Specify Patch File Cache' option
• In the field that appears, paste or enter the location in which you saved the patch file(s) and hit OK
• For example, C:\Users\<username>\Documents\MWO Patch Cache
• Click the blue Patch button
• The launcher will now check the Patch Cache folder you defined. If it locates the required patch files, it will unpack and use those files to apply the patch.
• Once the patch is complete, launch the game!


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