BattleMech 20: Victor

by InnerSphereNews in [ Inner Sphere News ] on, May 24, 2013 6:00 PM UTC 577  comments

The roar of her jump jets fill her ears she lands on the side of the hill firing her gauss rifle at the distant Atlas. As it turned to fire back, she waits till just before it had her in his sights to trigger her jump jets. Twin PPC blasts hit the ground where she was, followed by a gauss round, as her second gauss shot smacks into its side torso.

The fight continues for a solid minute, and her opponent is clearly not amused. As another flight of LRMs sails toward her, she lands her mech behind cover. Popping out on the other side, she lands with just enough of the Atlas in sight to fire off a round before moving again – and destroying the enemy Atlas’ left shoulder. The gauss rifle explods, turning the centre torso dark orange on her screen.

"This is Captain Von Deum to Alpha lance, are you close to my position? I have one enemy Atlas remaining, heavily damaged."

"We’re with you, Captain. Five-hundred metres out and closing. You have enemy Cataphract and Centurion on your left flank.”

"Roger – moving to intercept.”

As she jumpjets over another obstacle, she sees a quick glimpse of her opponents. The Cataphract rises into the air before her in the distance, letting off an alpha of two ERPPC’s and a Gauss shot, completely passing by her. Reaching the apex of its jump, she fires her gauss, smashing into the right torso. As the Centurion moves to her left behind cover, and she closes the distance to the ‘Phract. Rising he fires, his rounds sailing wide of her. She returns, firing her gauss as he reaches his apex, and just as before, hitting the right side torso. Injured, she closes the space to come within SRM range.

As she strides along at 64 km/h, her first SRM4 salvo crashes into the ‘Phract, hitting the centre and right torso. This time her opponent fires at her from the ground, just as she taps her jump jets, throwing his aim off and taking one ERPPC hit to the right leg. Landing she fires her gauss rifle and medium pulse lasers, followed by volley of SRMs. The enemy Cataphract’s side torso explodes outward, hurling sideways into the ground.

Assuming the Centurion to be behind her at this point, she turns and lifts off just as an AC/10 round hits her left arm and twin medium lasers pulling up after her, lightly damaging both her legs, followed by a volley of SRMs missing entirely. Landing she returns fire with a gauss/medium pulse laser combo to her opponents centre torso, followed by her own SRM volley, the Centurion twists to get its left arm in the way. She quickly closes the distance as it tries to sneak shots. As they trade shots, she finds that she had removed the enemy Mechs left arm, right arm, and left torso, leaving only its centre torso medium lasers.

“Captain, pull back south! Bandits at F6, full lance!”

"Received, on my way.” She replies, sailing over an obstacle.

Alarms rang through her cockpit:


“Captain you have massive incoming LRMs, can you make it?”

“I’ll be fine,” she says, smiling down at her Victor after landing behind cover “We do this all the time.”


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